Louis Brisson

Paperback Book

Rev. Dirk Koster, OSFS

As chaplain to the Sisters of the Visitation monastery, Fr. Brisson encountered there the religious superior, Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, who would orchestrate the prelate’s life work as founder of two religious institutes: the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales (1868) and the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales (1872). It was she who prevailed upon Fr. Brisson, after decades of discussions and 3 miraculous interventions, to establish the group of priests that St. Francis de Sales had intended to found centuries before. Fr. Brisson died on February 2, 1908. His mortal remains, along with those of St. Leonie Aviat, OSFS, lie in the crypt of the motherhouse of the Oblate Sisters in Troyes. Fr. Brisson was beatified, at the authorization of Pope Benedict XVI, in 2012. The cause for his canonization remains active.

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